An official army family and MWR Site
Martin Luther King (MLK) Basketball Tournament Registration

Registration is from Dec. 2 to Jan 10. The games are January 17-20.

10 am - 6 pm
December 2nd - January 10th
German Hunting Course Registration

Registration NOW!

December 21st - March 1st
Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Submit your nominations from January 1 until February 7.

January 1st - February 7th
Unit Level Volleyball Season Registration

Registration is from Jan. 2 to Jan. 31. League Season begins Feb. 10.

8 am - 4 pm
January 2nd - January 31st
Craft Class - Arts & Crafts

Tuesdays at 10 a.m.

10 am - 11 am
January 7th
Duty Bowl Strikers Special

Strikers Bowling Center offers Duty Bowl Tuesday thru Saturday!

11:30 am - 7 pm
January 7th
Stress & Anger Management Class

Join our transformative Stress and Anger Management Class to regain control of your emotions and cultivate a more peaceful, fulfilling life. Led by expert facilitators, this interactive program provides practical tools and techniques to effectively manage stress and anger, helping you enhance your emotional well-being and improve your relationships.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm
January 7th
Two for Tuesday Bowling Special

Strikers Bowling Center does it again!

11:30 am - 7 pm
January 7th
Educational Support Playgroup

ACS invites parents with children (under age 5) to come and play together and meet new people.

3 pm - 4:30 pm
January 7th
Take Me Back Tuesdays

Calling all Xennials, Gen Y & Gen X...

5 pm - 8 pm
January 7th
Ruthless! The Musical Auditions

Auditions are open to ages 8 and older.

7 pm - 9 pm
January 7th
January 8th
Martin Luther King (MLK) Basketball Tournament Registration

Registration is from Dec. 2 to Jan 10. The games are January 17-20.

10 am - 6 pm
December 2nd - January 10th
German Hunting Course Registration

Registration NOW!

December 21st - March 1st
Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Submit your nominations from January 1 until February 7.

January 1st - February 7th
Unit Level Volleyball Season Registration

Registration is from Jan. 2 to Jan. 31. League Season begins Feb. 10.

8 am - 4 pm
January 2nd - January 31st
Commanders & Senior Leaders Training - Hybrid

Mandatory training for all new Commanders and Senior Enlisted Advisors (E-7 through E-9).

9 am - 12 pm
January 8th
Post-Deployment (Financial Readiness) - Hybrid

Transitioning your finances so that you can focus on reuniting with your family. 

9 am - 10:30 am
January 8th
OPOC Training - Hybrid

Training for Organizational POCs who manage volunteers, certify volunteer hours, and manage volunteer positions on the online VMIS.

10:30 am - 11:30 am
January 8th
Pre-school Storytime

Enjoy this storytime every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.

10:30 am - 11:30 am
January 8th
Duty Bowl Strikers Special

Strikers Bowling Center offers Duty Bowl Tuesday thru Saturday!

11:30 am - 7 pm
January 8th
Strikers Specials

Strikers Bowling Center offers Duty Bowl and Two for Tuesday Specials!

11:30 am - 7 pm
January 8th
Open Studio-Arts & Crafts

Wednesdays from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

3 pm - 4:30 pm
January 8th
A Good Yarn

For crafters 15 and older.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
January 8th
Wind Down Wednesdays

Wednesday night belongs to the ladies at the Warrior Zone!

5 pm - 8 pm
January 8th
January 9th
Martin Luther King (MLK) Basketball Tournament Registration

Registration is from Dec. 2 to Jan 10. The games are January 17-20.

10 am - 6 pm
December 2nd - January 10th
German Hunting Course Registration

Registration NOW!

December 21st - March 1st
Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Submit your nominations from January 1 until February 7.

January 1st - February 7th
Unit Level Volleyball Season Registration

Registration is from Jan. 2 to Jan. 31. League Season begins Feb. 10.

8 am - 4 pm
January 2nd - January 31st
January 10th
Martin Luther King (MLK) Basketball Tournament Registration

Registration is from Dec. 2 to Jan 10. The games are January 17-20.

10 am - 6 pm
December 2nd - January 10th
German Hunting Course Registration

Registration NOW!

December 21st - March 1st
Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Submit your nominations from January 1 until February 7.

January 1st - February 7th
Unit Level Volleyball Season Registration

Registration is from Jan. 2 to Jan. 31. League Season begins Feb. 10.

8 am - 4 pm
January 2nd - January 31st
Host Nation Tour

Let ACS introduce you to Germany!

10 am - 2 pm
January 10th
Options for Dealing with Debt

ACS in Partnership with Financial Wellness & Literacy Classes from Service Credit Union. Join us for a lunch & learn! Bring your lunch and learn how to break free from debt.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm
January 10th
Duty Bowl Strikers Special

Strikers Bowling Center offers Duty Bowl Tuesday thru Saturday!

12 pm - 10 pm
January 10th
Red Pin Bowling

Fridays from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.

4 pm - 10 pm
January 10th
Bring Your Own Board Game

Bring your favorite board games to the pub and play them with friends. We'll provide the drinks and snacks.

5 pm - 10 pm
January 10th
Full Nerd Fridays

A free event for ages 18 and older.

6 pm - 10 pm
January 10th
January 11th
German Hunting Course Registration

Registration NOW!

December 21st - March 1st
Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Submit your nominations from January 1 until February 7.

January 1st - February 7th
Unit Level Volleyball Season Registration

Registration is from Jan. 2 to Jan. 31. League Season begins Feb. 10.

8 am - 4 pm
January 2nd - January 31st
Prague Express

Enjoy a day in Prague, the Bohemian capital, where the sight seeing opportunities are endless.

January 11th
Tabletop Role Playing Game Campaigns (TTRPG)

For ages 9 to 14.

1 pm - 3 pm
January 11th
Duty Bowl Strikers Special

Strikers Bowling Center offers Duty Bowl Tuesday thru Saturday!

2 pm - 10 pm
January 11th
Karaoke Night

Unleash your inner rock star! From rookies to pros, join us to sing your heart out!

9 pm - 2 am
January 11th
January 12th
German Hunting Course Registration

Registration NOW!

December 21st - March 1st
Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Submit your nominations from January 1 until February 7.

January 1st - February 7th
Unit Level Volleyball Season Registration

Registration is from Jan. 2 to Jan. 31. League Season begins Feb. 10.

8 am - 4 pm
January 2nd - January 31st
January 13th
German Hunting Course Registration

Registration NOW!

December 21st - March 1st
Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Submit your nominations from January 1 until February 7.

January 1st - February 7th
Unit Level Volleyball Season Registration

Registration is from Jan. 2 to Jan. 31. League Season begins Feb. 10.

8 am - 4 pm
January 2nd - January 31st
Conversation Corner with EFMP

A support group to meet new friends and explore valuable community information.

4 pm - 5 pm
January 13th
Youth Auditions: Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon

Auditions open to ages 10 to 18. 

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
January 13th