An official army family and MWR Site

Register - Parent Central Services

Child and Youth Services (CYS) welcomes you into our community. It is our mission to provide affordable, high-quality age-appropriate recreational and learning programs that incorporate character building concepts through activities and social interaction for children of eligible military and civilian families.

Parent Central Services is here to help you get started! When you enroll your children, you begin new experiences and relationships. We have a responsibility to protect the health, safety and well-being of your child.

The Parent Handbook provides parents with written information about the CYS programs offered to the Baumholder Military Community.

Registration and Forms

. Make an Appointment at Parent Central Services

Visit Parent Central Services for access to all of these programs. This is where you will find the instructions and forms to enroll your children with Child & Youth Services (CYS) and to register for:

  • Childcare: Child Development Center (CDC) and School-Age Center (SAC)
  • Youth Program (Middle School and Teens)
  • SKIES Instructional Classes (ages 18 months-18 years)
  • Parent Education
  • Sports and Fitness, Team Sports and Classes

To streamline the process and save you time, review the instructions and complete the forms before making your visit to Parent Central Services. 

Electronic transfer of registration: Have your Family's CYS records automatically transferred to your new location. Contact Parent Central Services for more information.

To begin, stop by Parent Central Services or call for an appointment.

2. Complete Required Forms

Form 6 Weeks-5th Grade 6th Grade+ Required Annually
Registration Form (.pdf) 1 per family N/A   No
Health Assessment (.pdf) 1 per child N/A   Yes
Child Care Fees and LES (.pdf) 1 per family N/A Yes
Shot Records (you provide)  1 per child N/A  Yes
CYS Youth Program Registration (.doc)  N/A 1 per child No
Immunization Schedule link to CDC 1 per child 1 per child No
Health Screening Tool (.pdf)
1 per child 1 per child


3. Complete Forms (If Applicable)

Form 6 Weeks-5th Grade 6th Grade+ Required Annually
Respiratory Medical Action Plan (.pdf) 1 per child  1 per child  Yes
Special Dietary Supplements (.pdf) 1 per child 1 per child  Yes
Allergy Medical Action Plan (.pdf)  1 per child  1 per child Yes
Diabetic Medical Action Plan (.pdf) 1 per child 1 per child No
Seizure Medical Action Plan (.pdf) 1 per child  1 per child    Yes

4. Bring Forms to your Parent Central Services Appointment

Our expert staff will complete your registration electronically and issue your registration card and password for WebTrac.


5. Enroll in Programs

Use MWR Online Services (WebTrac) to search for, enroll, and pay for programs, or visit Parent Central Services. 



Frequently Asked Questions

1. My child is on medication; can he/she bring the medication with him/her to a CYS facility or activity?

It depends on the medication. Some medications need to be specifically approved and some are not allowed (such as over-the-counter meds), while rescue meds must be accompanied by a Medical Action Plan. But don't worry, at the time of registration all children complete a Health Screening Tool which will begin the (SNAP/MIAT) process which will determine what accommodations your child will require while using CYS.

2. What happens if there is an unplanned school closure?

Anytime the schools are closed, CYS part-day programs will not take place. If there is a delayed school opening due to inclement weather, the Child Development Center and School Age Center will both open at 7:30 a.m. per the USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Inclement Weather Policy.

3. How do I register my child for a school on a different installation than my home installation?

For information on school registration, contact the School Liaison Officer at Commercial +49 (0)6783-6-6968. Your School Liaison Officer will put you in touch with the School Liaison Officer at the installation you're interested in to get the registration process started. Go to the School Liaison Officer - SLO Facility page on our website for information on how the School Liaison Officer can assist with school transitions.

4. Where can I get information on the CYS directors and management staff?

For contact information on all CYS programs visit the CYS Category page on this website. Here you can find "email us" links and phone numbers for all our facilities.

5. Where do I find the program center?

Parent Central Services is located in Upper Wetzel in building 8876, on the first floor. Appointments and walk-in services are available. For appointments or information call Commercial +49 (0)6783-6-7003.

6. How do I register my child with CYS?

To register simply visit Parent Central Services. For forms, times and contact information and what is required for a complete registration, please go to the top of this page and click to expand the "Registration and Forms" link.

7. Is childcare available only on post?

Childcare through CYS currently is only provided on post in the Baumholder area. There are, however, a variety of childcare options available on the local economy. From "Kindergarten" to "Tagesmutters." For assistance with off post options, speak with the Parent & Outreach Services Director at Commercial +49 (0)6783-6-7393.

8. How much do the different programs cost?

All child care program fees are based on Total Family Income calculated during the registration process. Each school year the Higher Headquarters releases a new fee chart to reflect any changes in fees. Please contact Parent Central Services at Commercial +49 (0)6783-6-7003 for more information or to obtain a current fee chart.

9. How do I decide which school on which installation to send my child to if there are multiple in my area?

There is currently only one Elementary School and one High School in Baumholder. Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade will go to Smith Elementary School, while 6th through 12th grades will attend the Baumholder Middle/High School in the upper Wetzel Housing Area.

10. Do buses take children both on and off-post?

Yes, school buses pick up and drop off children from multiple locations both on and off post. For a list of locations, contact the Student Transportation Office at Commercial +49 (0)6783-6-6874 or the School Liaison Officer at +49 (0)6783-6-6968.

More Child & Youth Services


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The first ever Month of the Military Child Gala!

Apr 12 3 pm - 6 pm

MOMC Family Fun Faire

Join us to celebrate the Month of the Military Child!

Apr 26 11 am - 2 pm