First Wednesday of the Month.
September to May.
3 p.m.
Ages 3-7.
German Storytime is a great way to introduce/extend your German vocabulary
with fun stories and translations.
German Storytime is a great way to introduce/extend your German vocabulary
with fun stories and translations.
First Wednesday of the Month.
September to May.
3 p.m.
Ages 3-7.
Takes place every first and third Wednesday of the month.
Apr 2 10:30 am - 11:30 amTakes place every first and third Wednesday of the month.
Apr 2 10:30 am - 11:30 amChildren Love to Learn!
Enjoy this storytime every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.
Discover Army MWR Library’s Online Resources! Download ebooks and audiobooks, learn a new language and more by accessing over 45 helpful online resources.
Discover Army MWR Library’s Online Resources! Download ebooks and audiobooks, learn a new language and more by accessing over 45 helpful online resources.
For crafters 15 and older.
Get creative at the Library!
For ages 9 to 14.
Apr 12 1 pm - 3 pmFor ages 9 to 14.
Apr 12 1 pm - 3 pmThe first ever Month of the Military Child Gala!
For all ages every third Tuesday from 3-4 p.m.
Takes place every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.
A dance party for infants to age 10.
Children, ages 3-12 years old, will have a blast singing every 3rd Thursday.
Enjoy this storytime every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.
Every fourth Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m.
Join EFMP for storytelling in collaboration with the Baumholder Library!
Army Community Service Exceptional Family Member Program and the Library hosts this storytime every 4th Wednesday.
Every fourth Thursday of the Month. Open to everyone!
Take part in this multiplayer, drawing and guessing game every last Friday of the month.
Take part in this silent reading party every 4th Monday of the month.
Every First Thursday of the second month of the quarter.
Register now for this fun learning experience.